Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Introducing Walt Crawford's "Cites & Insights"

In "Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large," a Web-distributed journal of libraries, policy, technology and media, started in December 2000 by Walt Crawford, there is frequently a section called Library Access to Scholarship, which includes: events and articles related to access, including Open Access, alternative publishing models, and institutional archives. There is just such a section in his November 2005, No. 12 issue, which you can read by clicking here.

Okay, but who is Walt Crawford? Walt Crawford is a senior analyst at RLG (The Research Libraries Group) in California, and has been a full-time professional in library automation since 1968, at RLG since 1979. He is currently lead designer for Eureka, RLG's end-user search service and OpenURL analyst (among other things).Crawford was president of the Library and Information Technology Association (LITA), a division of the American Library Association, in 1992/93.

To learn more about Walt Crawford, see his homepage.


WoW!ter said...


Great that you point your readers to Cits and Insights, but perhaps an idea to update the part on RLG. Which is no longer independent, but was taken over by OCLC last year.

waltc said...

Well, now I really will have to do another Library Access to Scholarship section! (Probably next issue. At worst, the issue after that.)

Thanks for the mention. I don't write about open access as much as I used to (partly because Peter Suber, Charles W. Bailey Jr., Heather Morrison, Dorothea Salo, OA Librarian et al do such a good job), but it still shows up once in a while.

As wow!ter mentions, I'm not at RLG anymore because there is no RLG anymore. Still in the same cubicle, but working for a different organization.