Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The hybrid OA announcements continue: APS FREE TO READ

Today's hybrid OA announcement is from the American Physical Society (APS). They are expanding their OA article program to "any article or group of articles published in the Journals of the American Physical Society back to 1893". The name of this project is FREE TO READ.

The submission fees in the FREE TO READ program will vary, ranging from $975 US in the Physical review journals (A-E) to $1300 US for Physical review letters. The cost for Reviews of modern physics will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

An interesting paragraph appears in the announcement:

"The FREE TO READ initiative represents a path by which APS could gradually transition to full Open Access. If the community (especially institutions and funding agencies) shows continued support for this initiative, a sustainable level may be reached in which the APS can recover its costs, offset its risks, and eliminate subscriptions for some or all of its journals."

Sounds like the folks at APS are thinking ahead a bit. Not a bad thing.

Unlike many of the other recent hybrid OA announcements, there is a webpage to reference. There's a FREE TO READ FAQ at

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